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Stainless Steel Capillary Tube Cutting Techniques and Their Advantages and Disadvantages

Stainless steel capillary tubes are widely used in various fields such as automated instrument signal tubes, wire protection tubes for automated instruments, circuit protection tubes for electronic devices, protection for thermocouple capillary tubes, and inner support for air-core high-voltage cables. The choice of cutting technique depends on the customer's quality requirements for the fittings. Let's take a look at the four cutting techniques available:

Grinding wheel cutting: This is the most commonly used cutting method. As the name suggests, a grinding wheel is used as the cutting tool to cut stainless steel on the machine. This is the cheapest cutting method, but it produces many burrs after cutting, so a deburring process is required later. This method is suitable for customers who do not have strict requirements on burrs.

Wire cutting: This method involves using a wire cutting machine to cut the stainless steel capillary tube, but it can cause discoloration of the tube end. If the customer has stricter requirements, post-processing such as polishing and grinding may be necessary.

Metal circular saw cutting: This cutting technique can cut several capillary tubes at once, with minimal impact on the tube end, making it highly efficient. However, the downside is that the chips produced during cutting tend to stick to the saw blade, so selecting the right blade is essential.

Laser cutting: This is the best cutting technique for stainless steel capillary tubes, with no burrs, precise dimensions, and minimal impact on the material near the cut. It is also highly efficient, with zero material waste and no pollution, and can be fully automated by simply turning on the power switch. This method is suitable for customers who require high-quality fittings with small size deviations, especially in precision instruments.

The cutting technique chosen should depend on the customer's specific requirements. In addition, the quality of the cutting equipment and the proficiency of the operator also affect the quality of the stainless steel tube.



Contact: Green

Phone: +86-17662633199



Add: Zhongshanggao Industrial Park,the east end of Panhe street,Taishan district,Tai'an city,Shandong Province,China