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Stainless Steel Capillary Tubes Used for Temperature Sensor Probes

Nowadays, stainless steel capillary tubes are widely used in industrial sensors, electronic equipment circuit protection pipes, automation instrument signal pipes, temperature sensor probes, shielding pipes, miniature antenna pipes, and more. In this article, we will focus on one of the applications of stainless steel capillary tubes, which is temperature sensor probes.

Temperature sensor probes can be used in various applications, such as barbecue thermometers, refrigerators, air conditioners, and more. Let's briefly explain some of the applications. In air conditioners, there are usually at least three temperature sensor probes. Two of them are in the indoor unit, one is for controlling the temperature, which is located at the evaporator in the filter, and the other is to prevent the air conditioner from blowing cold air during heating in winter, which is usually fixed inside the evaporator. There is also a temperature sensor probe on the outdoor unit's heat exchanger, which controls the automatic defrosting function when the air conditioner is heating in winter.

In refrigerators, the temperature sensor probe is actually a temperature sensor used to detect the ambient temperature. It sends the temperature signal to the thermostat, which controls the start or stop of the compressor. The temperature sensor probe is like a sentinel for the refrigerator thermostat, and whether the refrigerator is turned on or off depends on the temperature signal it provides. When the compressor cannot start or cannot be turned off after starting, the first thing to consider is that the temperature sensor probe may be damaged.

In barbecue thermometers, there are currently multi-channel barbecue fork thermometers, which are equipped with one or more temperature sensor probes that can measure the temperature of multiple barbecue locations with the same thermometer host. The thermometer host is placed outside the grill, while the stainless steel capillary tube temperature sensor probe is inserted into different meat or food on the grill. This way, you can always know whether the temperature has reached the desired level. If not, there may still be bacteria in the meat, which is not sanitary.

Temperature sensor probes can be said to be an essential accessory for refrigeration and barbecue equipment, and most temperature sensor probes also use stainless steel capillary tubes as accessories, indicating that the application of stainless steel capillary tubes will become more and more widespread.



Contact: Green

Phone: +86-17662633199



Add: Zhongshanggao Industrial Park,the east end of Panhe street,Taishan district,Tai'an city,Shandong Province,China